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  • 上国外网站怎么加速

    by Nathan Bernardo20

  • 提升浏览国外网页速度

    by Linda Crampton12

  • Thin and Easily Bruised Skin: Causes and Self-Help Ideas

    by Nell Rose92

  • How to Tell the Difference Between Herpes and Pimples (With Photos)

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  • Stool Abnormalities: Mucus, Blood, and Color (With Pictures)

    by 什么加速器看国外网站224


Reproductive Health: Conditions, Treatments & Advice
  • How to Tell the Difference Between Herpes and Pimples (With Photos)

    by prodriver0828

  • Causes & Cures for Itchy Vaginal Lumps, Bumps and Sores

    by Rachael Ryhn255

  • The First Trimester and Non-Doubling hCG Levels

    by Kay92



Advice & Information About Children's Health
  • What Chemicals Are in UV-Protective Rash Guards or Swim Shirts?

    by Melis Ann2

  • Common Causes of Leg Pain in Children

    by BoneMD129

  • Kids With Asperger's and Puberty

    by Roxanne Lewis11


Digestive and Intestinal Health
  • 什么加速器看国外网站

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  • Stool Abnormalities: Mucus, Blood, and Color (With Pictures)

    by Cindy Lawson224

  • Causes of Throwing Up White Foam and How to Treat It

    by Sree Vani5


Eye Care Information & Advice
  • What Causes Broken or Burst Blood Vessels in the Eyes?

    by Cindy Lawson361

  • Red, Irritated, Itchy, Watery Eyes: How to Tell If It's Pink Eye or Something Else

    by FlourishAnyway26

  • 怎么加速访问国外网站

    by Gypsy Jane56

  • Throughout millennia, while standards of beauty have changed, the quest for perfection has been ongoing. In our era, when even vocal cord surgery is available, the future of cosmetic surgery seems infinite.



    by Colleen Swan7


Advice and Information About Mental Health
  • A List of Coping Skills for Anger, Anxiety, and Depression

    by Blake Flannery20

  • Side Effects of Quitting Smoking - What Happens to Your Body?

    by Lela Bryan751

  • 5 Most Common Side Effects of Quitting Smoking and How to Cope

    by LadySeren84

  • Do Apartment Dwellers Have Higher Risk of COVID-19 Infection Due to Shared Ventilation?

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  • 15 Possible Causes of Tinnitus: Survey Results

    by Glenn Stok23

  • 什么加速器看国外网站

    by Leah Lefler56

  • The Controversy About Deaf Children Learning Sign Language

    by Carola Finch14

  • Doctors, nurses, health workers, military personnel, and other frontliners are considered heroes as they continue to work and battle amid the pandemic COVID-19. While people are advised to stay at their homes during the lockdown. Our brave frontliners continue to work to serve the people.


    True Struggles of a Frontliner Amid the Pandemic COVID-19

    by 怎么加速国外app0

  • This article is a compilation of questions from readers of my other tinnitus articles, with my answers based on extensive research and personal experience.

    Why Does My Tinnitus Get Worse Sometimes?

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    by Glenn Stok13

  • Zinc oxide relieves the discomfort of skin irritations and acts as a sunscreen. The chemical is generally safe, but there are some concerns about its nanoparticle form.


    Zinc Oxide Uses: Medicinal Creams, Calamine Lotion, and Sunscreen

    by Linda Crampton22

  • COVID-19, or SARS-CoV-2, is a highly contagious virus with the potential to rapidly invade the human physiological system. The combinations of allopathic medicine and traditional Chinese herbal medicine are widely discussed in the context of their potential to treat SARS-CoV-2 infection.

    What Are the Current (Evidence-Based) Opportunities for the Clinical Management of COVID-19?

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    Escherichia or E. coli: Intestinal Flora and Bacterial Infection

    Escherichia or E. coli: Intestinal Flora and Bacterial Infection

    by Linda Crampton14

Health Information for Older Adults

Health Information for Older Adults
  • Leg Swelling (Edema) in the Elderly: Causes and Treatment

    by Dr Pandula30

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  • Sleep apnea was a major contributor to NFL star Reggie White's death at age 43. What is sleep apnea, and how is it treated?


    NFL Star Reggie White: Death Due to Obstructive Sleep Apnea

    by Ronald E Franklin27

Tips and Information About Oral Health

Tips and Information About Oral Health
  • How to Treat and Heal a Bitten Tongue, Lip, or Cheek

    by Jason Menayan51

  • 怎么加速访问国外网站

    by Susannah Birch118

  • Possible Causes for Bumps on the Roof of Your Mouth

    by Sree Lakshmi22

First Aid: Tips & Advice

First Aid: Tips & Advice
  • Bed Bug and Mosquito Bite Comparisons

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  • Identification and Treatment of a Wolf Spider Bite

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  • How to Tell Between Fleas and Bed Bugs: Detection, Prevention, and Treatment

    by Kathleen Odenthal15

  • The sum total of a person's actual experiences are the result of a sequence of socially defined roles, events and decisions. It is possible to examine an individual's life, and from it, deduce how events before birth and in early life influence future choices, events and the development of disease.

    How Prenatal Events Influence the Development of a Vesicovaginal Fistula

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  • Why Do I Keep Dropping Things?

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    by Nell Rose92

  • Relaxation Exercises to Treat Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

    by expectus25

Injuries: Tips & Advice

Injuries: Tips & Advice
  • L5 S1 Disc Protrusion—Causes and Treatment of Back Pain Caused by a Slipped/Herniated Disc

    by DiscDiseaseGuru35

  • How to Treat a Soft Tissue Hematoma

    by Bobby27

  • A Guide to Supraspinatus Tendon Tears (Rotator Cuff Injury)

    by DrMikeM103

Health Care Industry: Procedures, Pharmacy & Providers

Health Care Industry: Procedures, Pharmacy & Providers
  • My Post-Gallbladder Surgery Diet

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    by Audrey Kirchner12

Showcase Author


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  • The Best Hearing Loss Simulations: Understanding Audiograms and the Impact of the Speech Banana

    by Leah Lefler56

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    Solanine, Green Potatoes, Nightshades, and Arthritis

    by Linda Crampton8

Tips and Advice for Aches & Pains

Tips and Advice for Aches & Pains
  • 20 Possible Causes of Pain Around the Belly Button

    by Sree Lakshmi54

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  • Severe Pain on the Right Side of the Back, Abdomen, and Ribs

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    COVID-19 Mandatory Cloth Face Masks Are Scientifically Unfounded


    by Robert Kernodle2

  • Scar tissue may form on or in our body when we're injured. It replaces damaged tissue but is sometimes troublesome. The appearance of scars can often be improved.


    Scars and Scar Tissue: Causes, Problems, and Possible Treatments

    by Linda Crampton37

  • Various tutorials and resources to guide in the construction of personal protection equipment (PPE) face masks or ones that can be donated to local medical facilities during crisis.

    Washable and Reusable DIY Face Mask Tutorials

    by Samantha Harris0

  • Once you understand how the digestive system works, simply putting into practice these four simple rules to shrink the size of your stomach makes perfect sense. Three weeks later? You won't feel so hungry all the time.

    How I Shrunk My Stomach Size Without Surgery with 4 Simple Rules

    How I Shrunk My Stomach Size Without Surgery with 4 Simple Rules

    by Juliette Kando FI Chor29

  • Can vitamin D help protect against coronavirus (COVID-19)? Here's what I learned about coronavirus, vitamin D and how it may help protect my health during the pandemic.



    by John Dove0


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